Top 6 sports to fight cellulite

85% of women develop or will develop cellulite on the buttocks and back of the thighs. If this natural phenomenon is only the result of genetics, and a conservation of fatty mass in the cells quite different from our male companions, most women struggle to assume it. You don’t feel like an Ashley Graham, but you still want to enjoy the beach with peace of mind? Follow the guide and discover our top 6 best sports against cellulite!

Doing sports against cellulite: good or bad idea?

The question may sound like a joke, but it’s true! Physical activity has many benefits for eliminating cellulite, firming the skin, shaping the legs, and improving blood circulation. It has a real impact on your dimples and orange peel skin.

Indeed, by practicing a sport activity, you stimulate your muscle fibers, and you allow your body to eliminate the fat stored in the cells of your legs and buttocks in particular. Doing sports to fight cellulite does not only allow you to target fat cells and areas affected by orange peel skin, but to practice a complete activity, affecting your whole body.

Yes, exercising is a good idea. However, you will need to exercise for a long time, even if your effort is less intense. You must force your body to dip into its fat reserves to provide you with energy. Looking for a top sport against cellulite? Endurance sports are particularly recommended!

6 sports to try against cellulite


Swimming is the star of sports that have a significant impact on your health and is very gentle on your joints. It allows you to gently work on your cardio while benefiting from the hydro massing effect of the water.

As you can see, swimming is an ideal sport for fighting cellulite. To reinforce its firming effect on your thighs, think of practicing with fins. Of course, you can only swim if you have a good pool not far from your home.


Jogging, the most known endurance sport, requires only a pair of sneakers and a little courage. During a business trip, on vacation, or after a long day at work, running can be done at any time of the day, ideally in the morning to wake up and tone up your body. It allows you to work on your cardio in all circumstances and has a real impact on cellulite. Indeed, if you practice long enough, it draws in fat: a considerable asset to refine your thighs and eliminate dimples.

Good to know: Remember to invest in a good pair of sneakers, as intensive practice can be a little rough on your joints.


Cycling is a good sport against cellulite. By pedaling, you burn your calories and the fat that makes up the orange peel. In the open air or indoors, with music and a coach, this sport can be practiced in any season and at any time of the day.

Regular cycling is an effective way to tone and shape your legs while protecting your joints from violent shocks! The only drawback? You’ll need to invest in a gym membership or a good bike to be able to pedal safely.

Good to know: If you want to practice at home, try the elliptical bike! You can also combine the benefits of cycling and swimming by practicing water biking, a sport that allows you to pedal underwater.


Walking is your best daily ally, whether you have cellulite or not. It stimulates your blood circulation, solicits your cardio in a less aggressive way than running, but still burns calories.

To properly practice this sport against cellulite, invest in a good pair of sneakers and set yourself a few distance goals per day. You will quickly see effects on your cellulite, but also on your morale!

Good to know: Variations such as sea hiking or Nordic walking are also excellent alternatives of sport against cellulite.

Strength training

When combined with another physical activity, weight training is an excellent sport against cellulite. What’s more, squats, sheathing and muscle strengthening exercises allow you to strengthen your muscles and joints. However, it is recommended to take a coach to avoid injury during a weight training session.

The main advantage of weight training? You can practice your exercises in the gym as well as at home!

Kickboxing and other combat sports

Kick-boxing or English, French and Thai boxing are excellent sports against cellulite. The movements performed solicit both your body and your cardio. Fighting, on the other hand, requires diligence and concentration. Thus, this sport allows you to progress on many levels.

We recommend that you follow your teacher’s instructions carefully, as the risks of injury can be numerous. Also note that it is not suitable for physically fragile people. Knock out cellulite, orange peel skin and dimples with combat sports!

You now have all the keys to putting an end to cellulite and improving the appearance of your legs. However, it is a constant battle that can only be carried out successfully by practicing a sport against cellulite and by having a balanced diet. Put on your best flippers and get on your bike for a cellulite that will soon be a bad memory.


Can I lose my cellulite in one week?

It is possible to reduce the appearance of cellulite in one week: some sports combined with massages and special creams that can be found in stores. On the other hand, to observe the effects of sport against cellulite, it is better to wait a few months. The path is long and arduous, you will have to be patient and keep in mind a long-term goal!

Should I go on an anti-cellulite diet?

A diet is neither recommended nor necessary to fight cellulite effectively and permanently. However, it is highly recommended to rebalance your diet, both for weight and health reasons, and to optimize the results you want. By reducing your sugar and fat intake, and by practicing one of the anti-cellulite sports presented above, there is no doubt that your cellulite will melt like snow in the sun!

How to effectively fight cellulite?

In addition to your sports practice and a potential diet rebalancing, you can invest in a few massage tools to accelerate the disappearance of your dimples. A regular massage with cream and a few cold water jets should help you firm up your skin for good and prevent cellulite from coming back!

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