What are the effects of support stockings on cellulite?

There is some evidence to suggest that support stockings may be able to help reduce the appearance of cellulite by improving circulation and reducing fluid retention. When circulation is poor, fluid can accumulate in the legs and contribute to swelling, which can make cellulite more noticeable. By compressing the blood vessels in the legs, support … Read more

Top 6 sports to fight cellulite

85% of women develop or will develop cellulite on the buttocks and back of the thighs. If this natural phenomenon is only the result of genetics, and a conservation of fatty mass in the cells quite different from our male companions, most women struggle to assume it. You don’t feel like an Ashley Graham, but … Read more

What is Cellulite?

Definition and a (very) brief history Cellulite is a harmless skin condition in which skin resembles the surface of an orange peel (in texture, not color). Fibrous cords—called septae—connect the skin to the muscle underneath, passing through the fat just under the skin. These tough cords pull down on the skin while the fat pushes … Read more